View this session to find out how you can try the functionality of Enterprise Mobility Suite by delivering a Proof-Of-Concept and test the following functionality: creating subscriptions for Office 365, Microsoft Intune and Azure RMS, device enrollment, configuring device settings using policies, configuring VPN profiles, Wi-Fi profiles and E-mail profiles. We will also discuss how to configure integration with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager using the Intune connector.
The Proof-Of-Concept will allow you to evaluate the functionality and decide the implementation.
Presentation delivered at ITCamp 2016, Cluj-Napoca.
Speaker:Adrian Stoian
Date: 27 May 2016
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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Mobile Device Management Solutions – A Comparative Study
Watch this session to find out about mobile device management solutions available on the market, and a feature by feature comparison.
The presentation describes the feature set for configuring mobile device settings, configuring VPN, Wi-Fi and Active Sync, enrolling for certificates, identity management and document encryption features. Find out how Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite stacks out against the competition.
Speaker: Adrian Stoian
Date: May 21, 2015
Session recorded at ITCamp 2015, in Cluj-Napoca.
© 2015 TechReady. All rights reserved.
Load Tests using Visual Studio 2013 and Cloud
In cadrul acestei prezentari o sa descoperim cum putem sa scriem si sa cream load teste pentru aplicatiile si serviciile web folosind Visual Studio 2013. In ultima parte a sesiunii o sa vedem cat de usor putem sa rulam aceste teste in cloud.
Speaker: Radu Vunvulea
Prezentare inregistrata la CodeCamp, Cluj-Napoca, 31 iul 2013 si publicata cu permisiunea autorului.
Cum construim un Private Cloud cu Hyper-V si System Center 2012
Cum construim un Private Cloud cu Hyper-V si System Center 2012
Prezentare sustinuta Joi 31 mai 2012, ora 16.00
Speaker: Adrian Stoian
Introducere in System Center 2012 Orchestrator
Introducere in System Center 2012 Orchestrator
Prezentare sustinuta Joi 3 mai 2012, ora 16.00
Speaker: Adrian Stoian
Migrare de la System Center Configuration Manager 2007 la Configuration Manager 2012
Adrian Stoian – Migrating from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012 (ITCamp 2012) from ITCamp
Prezentarea sustinuta la IT Camp 2012 la Cluj-Napoca.